8 dangers-side effects from eating kratom leaves 

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Doctors warn that kratom, eaten in moderation, has medicinal benefits. If you eat too much, be careful of the negative effects on your body.

The Department of Medical Services through the Boromarajonani National Institute for Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation (NBDC) provides knowledge about “Kratom” even though it has medicinal benefits. But if used in large quantities and for a long time It will have a negative effect on health. And it is recommended to mix kratom with other drugs. Including selling food containing kratom leaves to pregnant women and people under 18 years of age is against the law.

Dr. Manat Phothaporn, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, said that Thailand originally classified kratom as a category 5 drug under the Narcotics Act of 1979. But currently it has been considered through Parliament and a resolution has been pass]. Unlock Kratom from your drug list. Effective from August 24, 2021, the general public can grow. Or buy and sell fresh leaves that have not been cooked or made into food without breaking the law.

Why do people eat kratom leaves?

Kratom is a medium-sized perennial plant, a local herb that has been used by villagers for a long time. Using fresh or dried leaves. They can be chewed, smoked, or brewed into tea. To have strength to work longer Feels energetic, has no appetite, tolerates sunlight more, but gets chills when it’s overcast and rainy.

Side effects from eating kratom leaves

  1. In people who are eating kratom leaves for the first time There may be dizziness, dry throat, nausea and vomiting.
  2. If used in large quantities, it may cause motion sickness. An abnormality of the balance muscles occurs. The sensory nervous system responds to various things decreased, increasing the risk of heart disease. ufabet https://ufabet999.com/
  3. In cases that are used a lot or used for a long time Often causes changes in pigmentation in the skin. Makes the skin darker and darker.
  4. Eating kratom leaves should not be more than 5 leaves per day by peeling off the stems and chewing like chewing betel nuts.
  5. When eating kratom leaves Some cases may cause acute poisoning. It causes heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, seizures, altered levels of consciousness, hallucinations, confusion, restlessness, headaches, sweating, and high blood pressure.
  6. Extreme depression may be experienced in people. Who consume large amounts of kratom (more than 15 grams of kratoms, or approximately 10 leaves).
  7. The pulp should not be swallowed because the leaf pulp is a fiber that is difficult to digest. When eaten frequently, it can cause “cysts,” which are hard lumps in the stomach and cause abdominal pain. 
  8. When you stop using kratoms leaves, it will cause severe cravings (craving) and withdrawal symptoms such as muscle aches, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, diarrhea, runny nose, and twitching limbs. Although at present kratom is not a drug, and has medicinal benefits But if eaten in excessive amounts and for a long time It will have negative effects on health as well.